Friday, August 26, 2011

Using TaxonomyWebTaggingControl Programatically

To utilize the taxonomy control, below namespace must be declared

using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy;

Step: 1

Declare taxonomy control Page_Init()

TaxonomyWebTaggingControl _TaxonomyWebTaggingControl = new TaxonomyWebTaggingControl;
_TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.ID = "taxctrl";

_TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.IsMulti = true;
_TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.AllowFillIn = true;
_TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.IsUseCommaAsDelimier = true;


//Create taxonomy Session, term store, term set & group to pull metadata from Term Store Management

TaxonomySession _TaxonomySession = new TaxonomySession(SPContext.Current.Site);
TermStore _TermStore = _TaxonomySession.TermStores["Managed Metadata Service"];
Group _Group = _TermStore.Groups["System"];
TermSet _TermSet = _Group.TermSets["Keywords"];

//Assign the Term Store & Term Set to Taxonomy Control which helps to provide suggestions or pick metadata while you type in run time.


Step: 2

write the below code in Page_Load() in if(!IsPostBack) block

Below code fetches Metadata from userprofile property & assign to taxonomy field

//Fetching the Taxonomy metadata from SharePoint userprofile property

using Microsoft.Office.Server;
using Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles;

private string _CurrentUser = SPContext.Web.CurrentUser.ToString();

SPServiceContext _SPServiceContext = new SPServiceContext .Current;

UserProfileManager _UserProfileManager = new UserProfileManager(_SPServiceContext);
UserProfile _UserProfile = _UserProfileManager.GetUserProfile(_CurrentUser);

//Get the control using findcontrol() by Id
TaxonomyWebTaggingControl _TaxonomyWebTaggingControl = (TaxonomyWebTaggingControl) this.form.findcontrol("taxctrl");

//Again we are getting
taxonomy Session, term store, term set to create Taxonomy key value pairs(Term|GUID;)

TaxonomySession _TaxonomySession = new TaxonomySession(SPContext.Current.Site);
TermStore _TermStore = _TaxonomySession.TermStores["Managed Metadata Service"];
Group _Group = _TermStore.Groups["System"];
TermSet _TermSet = _Group.TermSets["Keywords"];

//Fetching Multi-value userprofile property "SPS-PastProjects" - which is Taxonomy field

UserProfileValueCollection _UserProfileValueCollection = _UserProfile["SPS-PastProjets"];
for(int i = 0; i < _UserProfilevalueCollection.Count; i++)
_TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.Text = String.Contact(_TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.Text, String.Format("{0}|{1};", _UserProfileValueCollection[i].ToString(), _TermSet[_UserProfileValueCollection[i].ToString()].Id.ToString()));

Step: 3

To get back the value from
TaxonomyWebTaggingControl & update the userprofile property

Write the below code in Save Event

//Get the control using findcontrol() by Id

TaxonomyWebTaggingControl _TaxonomyWebTaggingControl = (TaxonomyWebTaggingControl) this.form.findcontrol("taxctrl");

TaxonomyFieldValueCollection _TaxonomyFieldValueCollection = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(String.Empty);

for(int i = 0; i < _TaxonomyFieldValueCollection; i ++)

1 comment:

  1. good information! I've been looking for this for a while but didn't know the name of the control to search on so it took me till now. THANKS! :)

    BTW, not to complain, but your site is almost impossible to read, the code is mashed together with the text and there is no real formatting.
